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The County of Halifax was created in 1752 from Lunenburg County, Virginia. The courthouse is located in Halifax, VA.
1782 Heads of Families
1785 Heads of Families
Page 71. Mar 4, 1784 from William Wriqht and Ann,
his wife, Ambrose ESTES and John Wood, all of H, to Robert Burchet
of H. Sd William Wright, by his H deed, conveyed to sd Ambrose ESTES and
Wood, all that messuage, plantation, and tract
of land in H, containing about 100 acres whereon sd William Wright now
dwells, in trust and for the sole use of sd Ann during her natural life,
and after her death, to Robert Wright, son of sd William and Ann, being
the same land that Sd William Wright purchased of Thomas Coventon, dead,
in his lifetime, and was by sd Thomas Coventon, by H deed, conveyed to
sd William Wright. And it appearing to sd Ann Wright, Ambrose ESTES, and
John Wood that sd land would be rendered of very inconsiderable value before
the right and inheritance therein, and would inure to Sd Robert Wright.,
have agreed to sell the same and purchase other lands of greater value.
Now this deed witnesses that sd William Wright and Ann, his wife, Ambrose
Estes, and John Wood, for 40 £, have sold to sd Robert Burchett,
all the afd messuage, plantation, and tract of land, which is bounded by
the lines of William Thompson, Gent, Thomas - Coventon., Thomas Blackstock.,
and Robert Eastham.
Signed - W. Wright, Ann Wright, Ambrose ESTES,
John Wood. Wit - Robert Wood., Elizabeth
(X her mark) Wood, Sarah (X her mark.) Brewis,
Thomas (X his mark.) Coventon, Jr,Thomas (x his mark) Coventon Jr, Susanna
(X her mark) McFarland
Recorded Aug 19, 1784.
Page 357. Dec 17, 1785 from Billey Wright of H,
to John Yates of H, for 62 £ 10 shillings, that tract of land that
sd Billey Wright formerly purchased of Nath Pass that lies on the
north side of the Caurthouse road, lying in H, about 137 acres bounded
by the lands of Ambrus EASTIS, Joseph Abbott, James
Drummond, John Yates, and Robert Chandler.
signed Billey Wright.
Wit - none. -
Recorded Jan 19, 1786. Fanny, the wife of the
sd Billey, relinquished her right of dower.
Page 359. Dec 17, 1785 from Billey Wright of H,
to John Fulkerson of H, for 62 £ 10 shillings, all that tract of.
land that the sd Billey Wright formerly purchased of Nath Pass that lies
the south side of the Courthouse road, lying in H, about 137 acres, bounded
by the lands of Wm Chandler, Ambrus EASTES, and Fulker Fulkerson and Robert
Signed - Billey Wright. -
Wit - none.
Recorded Jan 19, 1786. Fanny, the wife of the
sd Billey, relinquished her right of dower.
page 430. I, John August of H., hereby lease unto
John Whitworth Sr, the land and plantation whereon I now live, containing
all of the sd tract of land and premises that I and my wife, Mary August,
now and hereafter do or shall claim, by virtue of the will of sd Mary Auguest'.s
former husband, William EASTES. This is a 9 year lease, that is to say,
until the year 1792 if the life of my wife, Mary August, continues until
that date, and if not, the above shall be null and void at her, sd Mary's
death. The yearly rent is
4 £ by Jan 1.
Signed Jan 24, 1783 - John (X his mark) August.
Wit - James Hardwick, .Barttelet Cranshaw. Recorded
Jun 15., 1.786.
Page 129. Jan 12., 1787 from James Cobbs Sr and
Barbara Cobbs, both of H, to John Cobbs, Thomas Cobbs, and James Cobbs
Jr of H, for the natural love that he and she have for the sd John, Thomas.,
and James., and for 10 shillings., 800 acres on Stanton River in H whereon
the sd John & Thos Cdbbs now live.
signed - James (x his mark) Cobbs, Barbara (X
her mark) Cobbs.
Wit - Vinson (X his mark) Francis, -Abraham (X
his mark) ESTES, Magachi (X his mark) Frances, William Organ.
Recorded Jul 19, 1787
Page 146. I, Moses ESTES Sr of H, knowing
myself unable to take care of such worldly estate wherewith it has pleased
God to bless me, I hereby empower my son, Moses ESTES, to take the
same into his possession, & I hereby give him full power to act for
me, and do also deliver up such part of my estate as shall be hereafter
mentioned, to be by him disposed of as he shall think best, for my maintenance
& profit: all my cattle (except 1 white cow yearling) and 1 white mare
and grey horse, 2 sows, 2 barrows, and 10 shoats; 1 man's saddle &
bridle, all my tools, carpenters, coopers, and plantation, all my household
furniture sd tubs, pots, pails, kettles, butter pots, and everything else
belonging to my estate. signed Jul 16, 1787 - Moses (X his mark) ESTES
Wit - Wm POWELL, Wm (X his mark) Younger,
Rachel Younger.
Recorded Jul 19, 1787.
Page 231. Aug 25, 1787 from Ezekel ESTES
of Spencer County, NC [sic], to Daniel Chumbley (Chumbly) of H, for 25
£, about 66 ½ acres in H on the branches of Miry Cr, and bounded
by Bartlett Crenshaw, Hendricks, Crizappel.
signed - Ezekel ESTES.
wit - Daniel PARKER, George EASTES, Isaac
Recorded Feb 25,1788.
Page 239. Apr 9, 1788 from Lewis Cantelou and
James Dormont of H, to Messrs Blodget and EUSTES of Petersburg, for 325.£
4 shillings and one half penny, about 50 acres in H on the main road,
being the land whereon sd Lewis Cantelou now lives, and the same is bounded
by Frederick Brown, Hailey,
Millers Road, the Switzers Branch.
Signed - Lewis Cantelou James Dormont.
Wit - -James Medley, Presley Hinton, H Goare.
[No recording date stated]
Page .248. H, Apr 9 1788. I, Lewis Cantelou of.H, assign to Messrs Blodgett and EUSTIS, all my books and accounts, bonds, bills, extending to taday, with all their contents. I also invest Blodget and EUSTES with the authority to settle collect, sue for, and recover every part thereof. signed Lewis Cantelou. Wit - James Medley., Presley Hintan, H Goare. Recorded Apr 30, 1788..
Page 248. I, John August and Mary August of H, for 20 £, have sold and delivered to Daniel Chumley (Chumbly) of H, all our right to our land and plantation, and our crop growing thereon, for the term of 5 years. signed Jul [blank day, 1786-- John (-X his mark) August, Mary (X her mark) Auqust.Wit - James Hardwick, John Hardwick. Recorded Apr 29, 1788
Page 266. Nov 25, 1787 from Nicholas Vaughan of
H., to Memucan Allen of Charlotte County, for 150 £, about 150 acres
in H on Poplar Cr, and joining the lines of William Douglass, William
POWEL, William Younger, Moses ESTIS, and the land called Fountains
Signed - Nicholas Vaughan.
Wit - Thomas Roberts, John Finch.., Jno Roberts,
William Douglas, John Douglas, Thomas Douglas, Solomon Pound.
Recorded Jun 23-, 1788.
Page 416. Sep 25, 1788 from William Maxy and James
Williams of Lunenburg County, to William Brittain (Britton) of H, for 5,000
lbs of tobacco at any of the Petersburg warehouses, about 158 acres in
H -on Staunton River, and bounded by John Maxy, it being the tract of land
conveyed by sd William Maxy's father1 by will unto him.
Signed - William Maxey, James Williams.
Wit - John Maxey, Christopher Irvine, Peggy Cobbs,
Jno Dickerson, Lucrethaide Maxey, -Abraham (X his mark) ESTIS.
Recorded Mav 29 1789
Page 529.. I, Lewis Cantelow of Lunenburg County, having, by my letters of attorney, authorized Messrs Blodgett and Eustis to be my attorneys in fact, to collect and settle certain debts due to me in VA, and with the proceeds thereof, to pay sundry demands Abraham EUSTIS, one of my sd attorneys, in 'his lifetime acted contrary to the powers in the sd letters, and soon after died without having fulfifled all or either of the sd powers. By the death of sd ESUTIS, the joint power granted by sd letters to Blodgett and EUSTIS
Esteses who had moved to Tennesse selling land
in Halifax County. Leo
Page 10. Jun 4, 1793 from Daniel Chumbley and
Bartlett Crenshaw of H, and Partrick EASTIS in Hawkins County, North Carolina
[Tennessee], to Daniel PARKER of H, for 57 £, a tract of land
in H on the Branches of Miry Cr, containing about 101 ½ acres
signed - Daniel (X' his rnark) Chumley, Bartlett Crenshaw, Patrick
(+ his mark.) Eastis.
Wit - William PARKER, George ESTIS, John
Recorded Sep 23, 1793.
Page 17. Sep 23, 1793 from - Partrick ESTIS and
John EASTIS of Hawkins County, North Carolina [Tennessee], to Daniel Chumbley
of H, for 50 £, about ll9 acres in H on the branches of Mirey Cr,
and bounded by Bartlett Crenshaw, James Hardwick, Stephen Tackett, Ann
Bennett, Daniel PARKER,
Signed - Partrick (X his mark) ESTIS, John (X
his mark) ESTES.
Wit - William PARKER
Recorded Sep 23, 1793.
Page 83. Jan 27, 1794 from Ambrose Eastes of H,
to Ambrose Stanley of H, for 50 £., about 130 acres in H. Signed
- Ambrose (+ his mark) EASTIS.
Wit - James Eastham, John Fulkersan, Richard
Startley Jr. Milley, the wife of the sd Ambrose Eastes, relinquished her
right of dower to the lands within mentioned.
Recorded Jan 27, 1794
Page 94. For value recd, we sell to Richard Stanley
Jr, for 5 shillings, a Negro girl named Sylvia and her increase.
Signed -Nov l2, 1793 - Ambrose (+ his mark) ESTES,
Mildred (+her mark) ESTES.
Wit -Thomas Roberts.
Recorded Jan 28, 1794.
Page 313. Feb 22, i795 from John Wilson Jr of
H, to Thomas PARKER of H, for 60 £, about 214 acres in H, and bounded
by the lines of George Jesbell ESTIE the land formerly belonging to William
WilIis ".& others", being the land John Pulliam bou'ght of Mr. Booram.
Signad - Jno Wilson J.
Wit none.
Recorded Feb 23, l795.
Page 411. Jul 28, 1795 from Calab Hart of H, as
attorney in fact for Micajah Easter of Hawkins [County, Tennessee] South
of the River Ohio, to Philliman Carlton & William Satterwhite of H,
for 250 £, about 209 acres in H on both sides of the Main Road that
leads from Carolina [North Carolina?] to Richmond, formerly known by the
name of the K fork near Halifax Courthouse, and bounded by the north
side of sd Road.
signed - Caleb Hart.
Wit -- James Gent, Jas. Thompson, Henry EASLEY.
Recorded Jul 27, 1795.
Page 414. Power of Attorney. Territory of the
United States South of the River Ohio . I, Micajah ESTIS of the County
of Hawking [Hawkins County, Tennessee] , appoint Caleb Hart of H, my true
and lawful attorney, to make a deed to Philliman Carlton & William
Satterwhite of H, for 209 acres in H, adjoining Allison Posey's land
& Fountan's lines.
Signed Jun 1, 1795- Micajah ESTIS.
Wit - Jno ESTIS, George Joggett. Jun Court 1795.
I, Richard Mitchall, Clerk of -the Court of Hawkins County certify that
the afd power of attorney was lawfully proven.
Signed - Rich. -Mitchall.
Recorded Jul 27, 1795.
Page 524. Jan 25, 1796 from John Perry of H, to
Samuel Bentley of H, for 50 '£, about 94 acres in H on the south
side of Banister River on the main Road that leads from the Cowford to
Boyds ferry, and bounded by Thomas' line, Willingham's line, Willinghams
Branch, Fountain's line.
Signed -- John (X his mark) Perry. Wit - Daniel
Terry, Sam ESTIS, Beverlev Borun.
Recorded Jan.25, 1796.
Page 525-a. Jan 25, 1796 from Samuel Bentley to
John Perry, both of H, for 48 £, 86 acres in H on the south side
of Dan River ... Poplar Cr, and bounded by Boyds Ferry Road, Douglass'
line, Younger's line
Signed - Samuel (D his -mark) Bentley. Wit -
Daniel Terry, SamI Estis, William Parks.
Recorded Jan 25, 1796.
Page :545. Sep 21, 1795 from John Standley and
Ambrose Standley, [and] Saphire Standley, the wife of John Standley, of
H, to John Roberts of H, for 100 £, about 230 acres in H on the Double
Branch of Difficult Cr, it being the land conveyed to them by deed from
Ambrose EASTIS, and bounded by the
north side of the road leading to the old Courthouse,
thence on John Wood's line.
Signed - John Standley, Ambrose Standley,
Saphire (X her mark) Standley.
Wit - James Eastham, Henry Isbell Jr, Richard
(X his mark) Bennett, Mathew Sims, Edwd Roberts. Recorded Feb 22, 1796.
Important: All Records collected for this
county may not have been added here as yet. See also the TOTTY
Research List
TOTTY Counties (TOTTY Roots Records Index)
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