Tottey Tottye Totly
Toty Tottie Tolty
Tolly Tody Toddy
Toddie &etc.
Records of Halifax County North Carolina
(Digging for our Totty Roots
and finding the leaves
on our Totty genealogy tree)
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The County of Halifax, North Carolina
was created in 1758 from Edgecombe County, which was formed from Bertie
County and Bertie was formed from Chowan, before that Chowan was formed
from Albermarle, and Albermarle from Orange Co. which was formed from Bladen,
Granville, & Johnston County. Halifax County is South of
Chesterfield Co. Virginia where these TOTTY and associated families migrated

Unless otherwise noted the following records were
extracted and submitted by TOTTY researcher Birdie (Totty) McNutt

1774 May Court Record [Court Orders Book 6
[1774-1784 Chesterfield Co., VA] Page 21: May Court 1774.
Ordered that Francis Osborne do open and survey the Road from Francis
GILLs to Joseph Watkins along and near the Mill path to Deatons Mill
second Branch
below the Mill & along a path opened from the Mill to Joseph Watkins,
with the following Hands, William Irby, Francis GILL, John Royall,
William Dodd, Henry Eanes Jr., John Archer, Olive Man, George Vaden, Daniel
Vaden, John Sudberry, Thomas TOTTY, Michael Wells, Thomas TOTTY
Jr., Francis TOTTY,
Abner TOTTY, John Deaton, Joseph
Watkins and Thomas Franklin.
Note: Francis GILL, in the foregoing
Court Order, was later recorded in Deed records of Halifax County, North
Carolina, selling 400 acres to Francis TOTTY who was another "hand"
along with Thomas, Thomas Jr. and Abner TOTTY. Notice
that the land mentioned is on the second
Branch where Thomas TOTTY of the second
branch, died BEFORE 3 Sept. 1773.
(Ches. Co., VA Order Book #5 1771-1774 p. 321) when the Will of Thomas
TOTTY was presented by Thomas TOTTY, Jr.,(the younger?) Exec.,
and proved by Abner TOTTY, Michael WELLS and Francis TOTTY,
witnesses. Who is this 3rd Thomas TOTTY? is he the brother
of Francis and Abner TOTTY that are named in the will of their father William
TOTTY brother to Thomas TOTTY, both son's of Thomas and Mary TOTTY.
1783 January 22 Deed [Halifax County,
NC Deed Book 14, page 719] Mathew Garrigas of Halifax Co. to
Mary Tucker of same. 22 Jan 1783 30 Pounds Proclamation money. 73 acres
joining KING,
TOLLY. Mathew Carigas. Witnesses, Edward Elms, Augustus
Williams Aug. Ct. 1783
Note: Perhaps the above TOLLY was in fact
Francis TOTTY of Chesterfield Co., Virginia, who is found again in Deed
with Phillip GILL and Francis GILL with their spouses in 1795.
(see below) Robert son of Francis TOTTY named a son Mathew who was
killed in the war of 1812. Could the above Mathew Garrigas/Carigas
have been who Robert named his son Mathew for? One of the witnesses was
Edward Elms, could this likely be Edward Elam also from Chesterfield Co.,
1783 August 26th Deed [Deeds
of Halifax County, NC Deed Book 15, page 72] William GILL of Granville
Co. to Francis GILL of Chesterfield
Co., Virginia. 26 Aug. 1783. 250 pounds specie.
500 acres wehre William Head lived and which William GILL purchased from
Richard Head, on Roanoke River, joining Thompson dec'd, James Hockerday
and others. William GILL. Wit: Francis GILL (x),
Boling Batten, Stephen GILL, Joseph GILL (x), James GILL. Nov Court
1783. CC: Wm Wooten. P. R. Jno. Geddy
Notes: Francis GILL later sold a part of
this 500 acres of land to Francis TOTTY in 1795, being 400 acres.
What happened to the other 100 acres?
1784 September 16th Will
[Margaret M. HOFMANN, Genealocical Abstracts of WILLS 1758 through 1824,
Halifax County, North Carolina, The Roanoke News Company, Weldon, NC, page
68] Will#334 pg 88 David JONES dated 16 Sept. 1784 Probated
Feb. Ct. 1785 son Joshua JONES 318 acres which is part of the
land I purchased of John Whitaker son John JONES plantation
whereon I now live joining it which I purchased of John Cam. Hall/Hull(?)
and he (the sd. John) is to pay a sum of money to the other children (names
not given) wife Elizabeth [BARKER] JONES mare etc. residue
of estate to be equally divided between my 3 daughters Amy JONES, Elizabeth
JONES and Sarah JONES. Wit: Stephen BARKER, Benjamin
SILLS, Jesse MOON x his mark Extrs: Elizabeth
JONES and Joshua BARKER, Jr.
1784 November 1st Will Abstract
[Abstract from the North Caroline Journal, Halifax, North Carolina 1781-1824
Volume III, Compiled by Raymond Parker Fouts, Gen Rec Books USA.] Will
Bk #3, page 67
Will #328 pg. 80
William JARVIS 1 Nov. 1784 Feb.
Ct. 1785 Martha JOYNER negro etc. Easton HAYNES son of
Mary HAYNES negro and the land on Kehuka on the road from Barnes Ferry
to Whitmill HILL's mill Mary YOUNG daughter of
Dice YOUNG negro and the land I bought of WORRLY etc.
William DOLES son of Sarah DOLES negro etc. and the land on John DAWSON's
Mill swamp my daughter Lucy WILLIAM daughter of Mary WILLIAMs
plantation whereon I now live which I bought of John DOLES my mother Catherine
JARVIS and sisters Patiena JARVIS and Sarah JARVIS 50 pounds each
(a mention is made in this will of Nancy HICKS daughter of Nancy HICKS
in Maryland residue of estate to my daughter Lucy WILLIAMS and son John
JOYNER son of Martha JOYNER Wit: Alexander COMB, Henry SHERROD,
William BOYKIN, John DAWSON, Sr. Extrs: Jeremiah NELMS, Thomas BOYKIN
and Elisha WILLIAMS
Notes: Does anybody know who the above
Alexander COMB is? Could he be the father, son, or brother
to John Joseph COMBES, or Thomas and William COMBS of Tyrell Co., NC and
Robert COMBS later found in Halifax County. It is interesting
to see him mentioned with other TOTTY & COMBS associated families,
1785 February 3rd Will [Margaret
M. HOFMANN, Genealocical Abstracts of WILLS 1758 through 1824, Halifax
County, North Carolina, The Roanoke News Company, Weldon, NC, page 67,68]
Will #329 pg 81 Stephen BARKER 3 Feb 1785
Feb. Ct. 1785 wife Mary BARKER negro and the remainder of estate
during her life or widowhood my 3 children William BARKER, Stephen
BARKER and Sarah BARKER negro and residue of estate after wife's death
or marriage.
Wit: Benjamin Sills (?), Lewis Brewer (?)
x his mark, David Brewer (x) his mark. Extrs: my brother Joshua BARKER
and William Vaughn
1788 March 20 Will of
GILL [Halifax County, NC Court Records Book 3, page 154-155]
Notes: As witnesses to Thomas GILL's Will
it is signed by, Nancy Scott, McCallister Vinson and Willis Vinson.
This will was Recorded at August 1788 Court, Halifax County, North Carolina.
He names Children Elizabeth, Prescilla, Judah who was married to
McCallister Vinson one of the witnesses, and James GILL.
Thomas was said to be the son of James GILL of Dale Parish Chesterfield
County, Virginia and had a brother named William GILL. Research
is still in ongoing progress to identify this GILL family and the relationship
to the TOTTY family if any. Need full transcription of this
Heads of Families - North Carolina.
1790 Census
Halifax District, Halifax County, North Carolina
Name of Head
of Family |
males of
heads of
Families |
years |
heads of
Families |
persons |
Slaves |
Arnold, David |
1 |
1 |
2 |
1 |
4 |
Barker, Joshua |
1 |
2 |
5 |
.... |
.... |
Barker, Joshua |
1 |
3 |
1 |
.... |
.... |
Crosslin, Edward |
1 |
.... |
.... |
.... |
.... |
Easley, James |
1 |
4 |
1 |
.... |
12 |
Eaton, John |
1 |
1 |
3 |
.... |
12 |
Elms, Edward |
1 |
2 |
5 |
.... |
1 |
Garrigus, Matthew |
1 |
5 |
1 |
.... |
.... |
Grinstead, William |
1 |
5 |
2 |
.... |
4 |
Gill, James |
1 |
1 |
3 |
.... |
.... |
Gill, Phillip |
3 |
.... |
5 |
.... |
.... |
Harvil, Starling |
1 |
2 |
3 |
.... |
16 |
Hockaday, James |
1 |
1 |
1 |
.... |
5 |
Hockaday, Warwick |
1 |
3 |
2 |
.... |
.... |
Hockaday, William |
1 |
.... |
1 |
.... |
1 |
Johnston, Jacob |
1 |
.... |
.... |
.... |
.... |
Johnston, Lewis |
1 |
2 |
2 |
.... |
.... |
Johnston, William |
1 |
2 |
4 |
.... |
3 |
King, Burrell |
1 |
1 |
3 |
.... |
2 |
Perkins, Henry Jun |
2 |
5 |
6 |
... |
2 |
Perkins, William Jnr |
2 |
.... |
3 |
.... |
.... |
Powell, William |
2 |
2 |
4 |
.... |
10 |
Powell, William Sr |
1 |
3 |
5 |
.... |
7 |
Powell, George |
1 |
1 |
3 |
.... |
.... |
Powell, Ptolemy |
3 |
2 |
2 |
.... |
3 |
Roan, Jesse |
1 |
.... |
.... |
.... |
.... |
Roan, Lewis |
3 |
3 |
5 |
.... |
.... |
Skinner, Thomas |
1 |
.... |
4 |
.... |
.... |
Vinson, Willis |
1 |
1 |
4 |
.... |
.... |
Weldon, Daniel |
2 |
.... |
1 |
.... |
6 |
Williams, Augustin |
1 |
1 |
3 |
0 |
0 |
Willis, Lewis |
2 |
4 |
5 |
.... |
15 |
Winter, Joseph |
1 |
1 |
2 |
2 |
.... |
Zoliofer, George |
1 |
4 |
3 |
.... |
28 |
1792 January 14 Will [Margaret
M. HOFMANN, Genealocical Abstracts of WILLS 1758 through 1824, Halifax
County, North Carolina, The Roanoke News Company, Weldon, NC, page 86]
Will #445 pg. 203 Joshua BARKER 14
Jan. 1792 Feb. Ct. 1792 lend daughter Elizabeth
JONES negroes during her life and at her death the sd. negroes to go to
her 5 children: Amy CHURCHILL, Joshua JONES, John JONES, Elizabeth
JONES and Sarah JONES. daughter Elizabeth bed, furniture etc.
daughter Rebecca SILLS bed and furniture extrs. to sell land
and plantation and money to be divided between the children of my son Joshua
BARKER decd: Martha BARKER, Edmund BARKER, and Nancy BARKER (all
under 21) William BARKER, Stephen BARKER and Sarah BARKER
children of Stephen BARKER decd. money each (all under 21)
Wit: Bolin Biship, H--------(?) Hancock
Extrs.: daughter Elizabeth and John CHURCHILL
1794 October 13th DEED
[Deed Book 17, page 726 Halifax County, North Carolina, Transcribed by
Birdie (Totty) McNutt©2000] Phillip
GILL & Others to Francis TOOTTY<sic> Deed. Halifax
County lst February Session 1795. Then this deed
was exhibited in open court & duly proved by the oath of Hardy Neville
one of the subscribing witnesses thereto & on motion ordered to be
registered. Registered April 17th 1795. P.
U. Long P.R. Witness L
Long C. Ct.
This Indenture made this thirteenth day of October
in the year of our Lord one thousand seven hundred and ninty four between
Phillip GILL & Amey his wife and Fraancis GILL and Patsy his wife of
Halifax County in Province of North Carolina of the one part, & Francis
TOOTLEY<sic> of Chesterfield County & State of Virginia of the
other part, Witnesseth that we the said Phillip GILL & Amey his wife,
& Francis GILL & Patsy his wife, for in consideration of the sum
of three hundred pounds Virginia money to us in hand paid by the said Francis
FOOTY<sic> the reciept whereof we the said Phillip GILL & Amey
his wife & Francis GILL & Patsy his doth hereby acknowledge, hath
granted, bargained & sold, alien, enfeoff, release & confirmed,
& by these presents doth grant, bargain and sell alien, enfeoff, release,
& confirm unto the said Francis FOOTY<sic> his heirs executors &
assignes forever, one certain tract or parcel of land, situated, lying
and being, in the county of Halifax & province of North Carolina on
the So. side of Roanoke River, beginning at the river on Spanns line, &
so on to his corner & thence along Winter's line to his corner &
Smiths corner a willow oak, thence down Chockeote Creek to the mouth of
a branch, Hockaday line, up the said branch to the head there a corner
pine, thence down Hockadays line to Shorts line thence down Short's line
to Hockaday's line, on the branch, thence down the -said Shorts-[crossed
out] said branch to the river, thence up the river to the beginning, containing
four hundred acres more or less. To have and to hold the said tract
or parcel of land & premises above mentioned, with the appurtenances,
unto the said Francis FOOTTY<sic>, his heirs & assigns &
to the only proper use and behoof of the said Francis TOOTTY<sic>
his heirs & assigns forever, and the said Phillip GILL his wife, and
Francis GILL and his wife for them selves there heirs, executor & administrators
& assings do convenant grant to and with the said Francis TOOTTY<sic>
his heirs executors and administrators & assigns, that the said Phillip
GILL & Amey his wife, Francis GILL and Patsey his wife, at and before
the encealing & delivering of these presents & perfect estate in
fee simple, & hath good right, full power & is clear & free
from any incumberances whatsoever that hath or may claim any right or title
theunto & the said Phillip GILL & Amey his wife and Francis GILL
and his wife doth further oblige themselves their heirs, executors &
administrators to the said Francis TOOTTY<sic> his heirs &
assigns, that they will make any other inchetment of writing that may be
required should the above be not judged good in law. In witness whereof
we have hereunto set our hands and seals the year & day above written.
Francis GILL, SEAL
Witness: John Simmons, Briggs Sims, Robert
Recorded Feb. Session, 1795
Transcribed by TOTTY researcher Birdie (Totty)
Note: Francis TOTTY moved from Chesterfield
County, Virginia to Halifax County, NC to live on this land that
he bought from the GILL family on Chockeott Creek on SS of Roanoke River.
Some of the neighbors were Winter, Smith, Hockaday, and Short.
Wit: to deed was John Simmons, Briggs Sims and Robert Footly<sic>TOTTY.
Tradition is that Francis TOTTY was married to Priscilla "GILL"?, research
still in progress for documentation of that fact. The above DEED
is actually for Francis TOTTY, but the deed has the name spelled
in error many times by the person/court clerk to wrote out the Deed.
1796 Birth of Robert
W. TOTTY, Jr in Halifax County, North Carolina.
Notes: Robert was the son of Robert and
Sandal TOTTY, son of Francis TOTTY of Halifax. He died June 27, 1859
in Uz, Montague County, Texas. He migrated to Davidson Co., Tenn.
in 1809, then to Hickman County, Tennessee with his parents in 1810.
He followed his children to Cooke and Montague Co.'s Texas abt 1858.
1796 November Notice
[Abstract from the North Caroline Journal, Halifax, North Carolina 1795-1797
Volume II, Compiled by Raymond Parker Fouts, Gen Rec Books USA.]
page 128 November 1796
(772) Notice. The subscriber having
qualified as administrator to the estate of John Joseph COMBES,
dec. late of Plymouth, at the October term of Tyrrel county court-request
all person indebted to make immediate payment, and those having demands
to present the same for settlement. Thomas B. Littlejohn. Nov. 14.
Notes: Not sure if this COMBES above could
be related to Peter Anderson COMBS and his father Thomas of Allen Co. KY,
but it is interesting to see the COMBES and TOTTY families in Halifax
in the same area and same time frame. The father of Thomas COMB(E)S
has been unidentifed and has been a brick wall that so far has NOT been
able to breech by TOTTY COMBS researcher Birdie (Totty) McNutt. Also
found in Tyrell Co., NC 1800 census records was a Thomas and William COMBS,
could they be related to Alexander COMB and John Joseph COMBES mentioned??
see next two entries on John Joseph COMBES late of Plymouth and Tyrell
County, NC. Most likely the Robert COMBS found in Halifax
County is kin to John Joseph COMBES. Question: Could
our "Robert" TOTTY & "Robert" COMBS somehow have a kinship connection?
1796 December 6th Notice [Abstract
from the North Caroline Journal, Halifax, North Carolina 1795-1797 Volume
II, Compiled by Raymond Parker Fouts, Gen Rec Books USA.] page 128
(773) On the 6th of December next,
will be sold at public auction, in the town of Halifax, a quantitty
of Dry Goods, several barrels of Herrings, and a variety of other articles,
The property of the estate of John Joseph COMBES, late of Tyrel
County. .....Thomas B. Littlejohn. Novemebr 14. see
notes on above entry
1797 January Notice
[Abstract from the North Caroline Journal, Halifax, North Carolina 1795-1797
Volume II, Compiled by Raymond Parker Fouts, Gen Rec Books USA.]
page 145 January 1797
(863) Notice. All person indebted
to the Estate of John Jos. COMBES, dec. for goods bought at the
Vendue at Halifax, on the 6th Decemebr last, or otherwise, are requested
to make payment to Thomas AMIS, Esq. at Halifax, in whose hands all the
note and accounts are lodged - As a number of suits have already been brought
against the said estate... no indulgence can
possibly be given. Thomas B. Littlejohn,
Adm'r. February 6. see notes
on entry of November 1796 above.
1797 July 17 Notice [Abstract
from the North Caroline Journal, Halifax, North Carolina 1795-1797 Volume
II, Compiled by Raymond Parker Fouts, Gen Rec Books USA.] page 173
(1042) Halifax, July 17 (1797)......
Notice. All those who are indebted to the estate of John Jos.
COMBES, dec. will take notice, that the notes and accounts are lodged
in the hands of Mr. Thomas AMIS; and that he is directed by me to commence
suit indiscriminately against those who fail to settle with him before
the 14th of August next. Tho. B. Littlejohn, Adm. July 14 (1797)
Notes: Is John Joseph COMBES the father
of Robert COMBS found in Halifax during the 1800 census? Any help
would be appreciated.
1799 February 7 Birth of Nancy
Anna Caroline TOTTY in Halifax County, North Carolina.
Notes: Nancy was the daughter of Robert
and Sandal TOTTY, she migrated to Davidson County, Tennessee in 1809 and
on to Hickman Co., in 1810 with her parents. Nancy died March
22, 1860 in Pottsboro, Grayson County, Texas.
Census Records
1800 Census for Halifax
County, North Carolina
[Union District SC 1792-1809 CD#151 Automated Archives,
Inc., U.S. Census Indexes & Tax List: Mid-Atl, S., Mid-W. ©Automated
Archives, Inc.]
C512 |
COMBS, Robert |
pg#300 |
21001-12201-00 |
C624 |
pg#296 |
00010-10200-01 |
C624 |
pg#298 |
00010-20100-01 |
G656 |
pg#308 |
00000-00110-00 |
G620 |
pg#308 |
20010-21010-00 |
G400 |
GILL, James |
pg#310 |
20010-11010-00 |
H230 |
pg#310 |
00001-00000-07 |
H230 |
HOCKADAY, Warwick |
pg#312 |
12010-31010-02 |
H230 |
HOCKADAY, William |
pg#310 |
10010-30010-02 |
P600 |
PEPPER, Stephen |
pg#336 |
12201-00101-00 |
P625 |
PERKINS, William |
pg#336 |
00001-11010-03 |
P625 |
PERKINS, William |
pg#336 |
10001-10010-19 |
P625 |
PERKINS, William |
pg#336 |
40110-31010-03 |
P625 |
PERKINS, William Jun |
pg#336 |
01010-10100-01 |
P400 |
POWELL, Aaron |
pg#332 |
12110-12110-02 |
P400 |
POWELL, Daniel |
pg#332 |
10010-10100-00 |
P400 |
POWELL, George |
pg#332 |
30010-12010-01 |
P400 |
POWELL, Ptolomy |
pg#332 |
10111-20011-07 |
P400 |
POWELL, Lucy |
pg#332 |
02000-01200-01 |
P400 |
POWELL, Hampton |
pg#332 |
00100-00100-05 |
P400 |
POWELL, Solomon |
pg#332 |
0010-10010-00 |
P400 |
POWELL, William |
pg#332 |
20010-10010-07 |
P400 |
POWELL, William Jun |
pg#332 |
30210-01010-00 |
P400 |
POWELL, William Sr |
pg#332 |
11001-21101-09 |
P400 |
POWELL, Zachariah |
pg#332 |
01001-00001-06 |
S630 |
SHORT, Lewis |
pg#338 |
10100-10200-01 |
T000 |
TOTTY, Francis |
pg#344 |
00001-00100-03 |
T000 |
TOTTY, Robert |
pg#344 |
20010-10010-01 |
T520 |
VANCE, John |
pg#348 |
00010-10010-00 |
T520 |
VANCE, William |
pg#348 |
02210-20010-04 |
V525 |
VINSON, Maccalester |
pg#348 |
01001-10001-00 |
V525 |
VINSON, Willis |
pg#348 |
10010-12110-00 |
W420 |
pg#348 |
00000-10101-09 |
W420 |
WILLIS, Elisha |
pg#348 |
00310-11021-06 |
W420 |
WILLIS, Lewis |
pg#348 |
21010-00000-09 |
W425 |
WILLSON, William |
pg#348 |
00100-00000-00 |
Z421 |
pg#356 |
02000-00000-00 |
Note: This shows in 1800 Francis TOTTY and
his daughter Pricilla TOTTY in the household along with ownership
of 3 slaves. Stephen Pepper above is found in Sussex County,
VA on the First Census of the US in 1782 with 7 whites and 1 black.
By 1800 he was in Halifax Co., and a John Pepper, most likely a descendent
was a witness to the will of Francis TOTTY in 1808. In the
HH of Robert TOTTY is found his Wife Sandal and daughter Nancy. The
boys listed are most likely Robert Jr. b: 1796 and William or Matthew who
died after war of 1812 and are buried in the Morgan Creek Cemetery in Hickman
County, TN. Hampton Powell was also listed as a witness on
the will of Francis TOTTY along with Joseph Trayler.
1802 December 30 Deed [Halifax
County, NC Deed Book 19, page 415, Records of Estates Halifaxx County,
NC Vol I 1759-1805 by David B. Gammon] Francis TOTTY
to Wm POWELL of same. 30 Dec 1802 15 pounds. 10
acres, joining Ping[sic] B ranch, river
road leading to Wm Eaton's Ferry, Weldon, Hockaday. Wit. Lewis
Short, Burgress Feagon, Wm Wilson. Feb. Ct. 1804
Submitted by Birdie (Totty) McNutt as recv'd
from NC Look Up Volunteer - Becky Dozier and from Book in the Dallas County
Public Library
Note: This property was sold 6 years before Francis
TOTTY died, could there be a family connection to William Powell and the
Francis TOTTY family? Later we see that Hampton Powell was
one, among others, present as witness at the signing of Francis TOTTY's
Will in 1808. Is this William Hampton Powell???? Generally
family members and/or neighbors witnessed Wills
1803 May 2nd Deed
Halifax County, NC Deed 1802-1807 Book 19, 299-325] Francis
(x) TOTTY & Daniel Mason submit to arbitration respecting a negro
girl Cate. Peter Brown & Charles W. Harris to arbitrate.
2 May 1803.
Arbitrators ruled that sd TOTTY had no
claim, Cate having been given to Lewis Short "under whom the within named
Daniel Mason claims.". May Ct. 1804. John Duberry was
a witness. Charles W. Harris was dec'd by this court date.
CC: L. Long.
Notes: Francis TOTTY is shown on the 1800
census with 3 negroes, could Cate be one of the three.
1802 November 23rd Deed
Halifax County, NC 1802-1807 Deed Book 19 371-299]
James (X) Hockaday of Halifax Co., to William POWELL. 23 Nov. 1802.
67 pounds 10 shillings VA. 100 acres, joining Chockeott Creek, Norwood,
Wit: Sue Pearson, Joseph Winter, Furgess Fagin. Feb Ct 1804
CC. L. Long.
Notes: Here William Powell is documented
as buying land joining the land of Francis TOTTY. What relationship does
William Powell have to Hampton Powell? He could likely be a brother
according to deed of 1804 below, or is his full name William Hampton Powell??.
Next mystery is how are they/he related to Ptolomey Powell?
These names are all associated with Francis TOTTY in Halifax Co., records.
1804 April 1st Deed
[Halifax County, NC 1802-1807 Deed Book 19, 417-340]
Wm Powell, Jr. of Halifax Co. to Lucy POWELL of same. 1 Apr
1804. $333. 100 acres, joining Norwood, Weldon, Chockeott
Creek, William Powell, Piney Branch, TOTTY, river road leading to
William Eastons' Fery. Wit: Thomas Hudson, Patsey Hudson.
May Ct. 1804. CC: L. Long
Notes: Lucy Powell the mother to
Hampton Powell also had a daughter Lucy Powell according to her will.
Is this a younger Wm Powell in the same area, or could this a son &
brother? Lucy Unknown Powell did not mention a son William
in her will.#724 page 444 of Sept 14, 1805.
1805 November 18th Will
[Margaret M. HOFMANN, Genealocical Abstracts of WILLS 1758 through 1824,
Halifax County, North Carolina, The Roanoke News Company, Weldon, NC, page
132] Will #727 page 446 William WHITFIELD dated
Nov. 18 1805, Probated Feb. Ct. 1806 daughters Elizabeth Montfort,
Jane Scott and Sarah Whitfield 5 Shillings each, daughter Milly James Ellison
2 cows sons John WHITFIELD and William WHITFIELD 1 negro
each the land whereon I now live joining James Bradley
and Joshua Jones to be equally divided between my 2 sons by William GARY
and Daniel Weldon and if sons die the sd. land to go to my son-in-law John
WEAVER. Wit: James (?) Bradley, Henry Weaver, Daniel
Weldon Extrs.: my sons John and William
1806 January 11 Deed [Halifax
County, NC 1811-1817 Deed Book 23, page 24] Thomas
P. Weldon of Halifax Co to Benjamin Jones of same. 11 Jan 1806. 40
Silver dollars. 12 acres, joining Norwood & Weldon, Norwood &
Hockaday, TOTTY, the main road, sd Benjamin Jones. Wit:
Geo. Williamson, Benujamin (x) Harte. 26 October 1814 before Jno
Notes: Thomas Weldon was the neighbor of
Francis TOTTY.
1806 November Court - Deed [Halifax
County, NC 1802-1807 Deed Book 20, 840-441] Hampton
Powell & John (x)Fulgum as executors of Lucy Powell dec'd both of Halifax
Co. to Benja. Jones as same. 3 apr 1806. $330.
155 acres, joining Norwood, Weldon, Chocoat Creek, Penny Branch, TOTTY,
Halifax Road, Thomas Weldon. Wit: David Williamson, James Powell
Nov. Ct 1806. CC: L. Long
Notes: Hampton Powell and John Fulgum/Fulsam
were brothers-in-law and Son and Son-in-law of Lucy POWELL all neighbors
of Francis and his son's Robert and William and daughter Priscilla TOTTY.
1807 October 15 Birth of
Lewis Perkins TOTTY in Halifax County, North Carolina.
Note: Lewis Perkins TOTTY was the son of
Robert and Sandal ANDREWS TOTTY formerly of Chesterfield County, Virginia
before migrating to Halifax County. Lewis P. TOTTY migrated with
his parents to Hickman County, Tennessee after the death of his grandfather
Francis TOTTY where he died October 27, 1880 in Totty's Bend, Hickman County,
1808 April 23 Will [Halifax
County North Carolina, Will Book #3]. Will of Francis Totty..
In the Name of God Amen.
I, Francis Totty of the County of Halifax and the State of North Carolina
being of sound mind and perfect memory blessed by God, do this twenty third
of April and year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and make this
my last will and Testament in manner following:
That is to say, FIRST, I give
and bequeath unto my beloved sonRobert
Totty, the one half of my land which I possess. SECONDLY, I give
and bequeath unto my beloved sonWilliam
Totty the other half of said land to be equally Divided betwixt them.
THIRDLY, I give and bequeath unto my beloved son
Totty, my two negroes named Bartly and Charles. FOURTHLY,
My will and desire that all the balance of my Estate not yet given be sold
and equally divided betwixt my beloved
Totty, William Totty, and Prissilla Totty and I hereby
make and ordain my beloved son Robert Totty Executor of this my last will
and Testament in witness whereof I the said Francis Totty, here
to this my last will and testament set my hand and seal the day and year
above written.
Signed, Sealed and Published and declared by
the said Francis Totty the Testator as his last will and Testament in the
presence of us who were present at his {?} of signing Sealing thereof.
John Pepper, Joseph Trayler, Hampton Powell.
Halifax County Court November Session and duly
proved by the oath of John Pepper a witness thereto and on motion ordered
to be recorded whereupon Robert Totty the Executor Therein named
came in and was duly qualified thereto.
Witness: L. Long C.C.
Extracted and submitted by Totty Researcher
Birdie (Totty) McNutt
Notes: Hampton Powell is mentioned as being
present when Francis Totty wrote his will, was he just a neighbor or somehow
kin to the Francis TOTTY family? The Trayler Family surname
is later found in the TOTTY families of Montague County, Texas.
1808 May 12th Deed [The Deed
of Halifax County, North Carolina 1807-1811, Abstracted by Dr. Stephen
E. Bradley, Jr. ©1994 Virginia Beach, Va 23464 page 27] Deed
Book 21 - 243-212] Wilson W. Carter sheff of Halifax Co. to
John Fulgem. 12 May 1808. Hampton Powell & John Fulgum
obtained a judgement against Benja Jones & John D. Powell. Thus
for 75£ 10s. 155 acres, joining Norwood, Weldon, Choccott Creek,
Pines Branch, TOLLEY, Halifax Road, Thomas Weldon. Wit:
Jno Duberry, Joseph Gee. Aug Ct. 1808. L. Long CC
Notes: Hampton Powell is again documented
as the neighbor of Francis TOTTY shown as TOLLEY, this Deed was made the
month after Francis TOTTY wrote his will.
1810 June 12 Deed
[Halifax County, NC Deed Book 22, page 296, Records of Estates Halifax
Co., NC Vol II 1765-1835, by David B. Gammon] Robert TOTTY
and his wife Sandal, Wm TOTTY and his wife Lucy & Priscilla TOTTY of
Halifax Co. to Wm Perkins of same 12 June 1810, 400
acres on S. Side of Roanoke Rivers,
joining Span, Winters, Smith, Chiciot Creek, Hockaday, Weldon. Witnesses
Thomas Weldon, Ptolemy Powell, Beja. Roan. May Ct. 1813
Submitted by Birdie (Totty) McNutt as recv'd
from NC Look Up Volunteer - Becky Dozier
Note: This 400 acres being sold is the
same 400 acres
that Francis TOTTY bought from Phillip & Francis GILL in 1795 above,
where he was listed as being "of" Chesterfield Co., VA.
Most likely Francis TOTTY had already migrated to Halifax Co., NC "before"
be sold his land in Chesterfield Co., VA to Thomas Howlett in 1794.
William and Sandal TOTTY had migrated to Hickman Co., TN at the time this
Deed was made. We see my the below Will of Precilla TOTTY that
she remained in Halifax Co., NC when her brother Robert went to Tennessee.
1814 June 11th WILL [Halifax
County, North Carolina Will Book 3, page 578, transcribed by Birdie (Totty)
McNutt©2000] Prescilla TOTTY. 578 In
the Name of God Amen, I Prescilla Totty being in sound mind and perfect
memory do this 11th Day of June Eighteen hundred & Fourteen, Constitute
and publish this my last will & Testament. To Wit. Item
1st, I give to Francis Johnston 1 Bed & Furniture. Item 2 I give
to Martha F. Johnston all my wearing apparel. Item 3 I give
to Francis Johnston, Martha Johnston and Miles Johnston all my Money and
whatever property I may have at the time of my Death, not otherwise disposed
off After paying all my just Debts. Lastly I appoint Francis Johnston
my Nephew above mentioned my Executor to this my last Will & testament.
In Witness whereof I have herunto fixed my hand & Seal this 11th Day
and Year as above written.
John Hockoday
Prescilla X TOTTY SEAL
Lewis Willis Jurat
Halifax County
February Court 1816} Then this Will
was exhibited in open Court & duly proven by the oath of Lewis Willis
one of the subscribing Witnesses thereto and matter proved to be recorded.
Whereupon Francis Johnston the Executor therein named came in and was Duly
qualified to the same.
Witness: Richard EPPES CCS
Transcribed by TOTTY researcher Birdie (Totty)
McNutt from original Will
Note: Miles JOHNSON married Mary
TOTTY in Chesterfield
County, Virginia on May 13, 1794, the year before Francis TOTTY
bought the land in Halifax County. Mary Ann TOTTY JOHN(T)SON
deceased wife of Miles JOHNSON was the sister to Precilla TOTTY and daughter
of Francis TOTTY, hense the reason she was not named in the will of her
father Francis TOTTY.
1808 DAR Records
TOTTY, Francis: b: c 1727 VA d: a 11 - - 1808 NC m X PS VA
See Also
County, Virginia
County, Virginia
County, Tennessee
County, Texas
Important: All Records collected for this
county may not have been added here as yet.
See also the TOTTY
Research List Archives.
TOTTY Counties (TOTTY Records Index)
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