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Totty 1788
Parents were: Unknown
#1. Martha "Patsy" F. Johnson
Wife #2. Matilda Naomi Norris
Descendants of Harrison Totty
click on child's name link below for their descendents and photo's as available
1 [5] Harrison TOTTY
.2 [1] Katherine A. TOTTY
.....+ Unknown Pruett
. *2nd Husband of [1] Katherine A. TOTTY:
.....+Johnnie P. HUTCHINSON
.2 Louisa H. TOTTY
.....+George Washington MARTIN
.....3 James Hillard MARTIN
.........+Mattie UNKNOWN
........ 4 James H. MARTIN
.....3 Armistead W. MARTIN
........ 4 Alice MARTIN
.....3 Matilda MARTIN
.....3 Katherine MARTIN
.....3 George Washington MARTIN
.....3 Louisa M. MARTIN
.....3 [3] Daniel L. MARTIN
.........+[2] Roena Alice TOTTY
........ 4 Roena A. MARTIN
........ 4 Robert F. MARTIN
........ 4 James H. MARTIN
........ 4 Armistead W. MARTIN
........ 4 Sallie C. MARTIN
........ 4 Bonnie B. MARTIN
.....3 P. MARTIN
.....3 F. MARTIN
.2 [4] Daniel C. TOTTY
..... +Ruthy UNKNOWN
.....3 Miles TOTTY
.....3 Albert H. TOTTY
.....3 Martha Patsy L. TOTTY
.....3 Sarah S. TOTTY
see picture below
.........+William H. TOTTY
see their children below
........ 4 Tennessee A. TOTTY
............ +Unk PARKES
........ 4 Guse Leonidas TOTTY
........ 4 William C. TOTTY
........ 4 A. F. TOTTY
........ 4 Dora TOTTY
............ +Robert HORNBEAK
........ 4 Josephine Narcissey TOTTY
........ 4 Mary Levicy TOTTY
............ +Charles ROCHELLE
........ 4 Louis Perkins TOTTY
see picture below
............ +Mary Margaret HERZOG
........ 4 Robert TOTTY
........ 4 Edward Booge TOTTY
see picture below
............ +Mary Elizabeth HOLMES
.................5 Fern Bernice Totty
see picture below
........ 4 Benjamin B. TOTTY
see picture below
.....3 Minerva J. TOTTY
.....3 [2] Roena Alice TOTTY
.........+[3] Daniel L. MARTIN
. *2nd Wife of [4] Daniel C. TOTTY:
.....+Margaret UNKNOWN
.....3 James TOTTY b: 1857
.........+Mary E. b: 1859
........ 4 Allie B. TOTTY b: 1878
............ +W. T. PRINE-PRICE
.....3 Eliza TOTTY b: 1859
.2 Sarah Ann TOTTY
.....+James L. GARRETT
.2 Johnson Harrison TOTTY
.....+Susan B. SPRADLING
.....3 William W. TOTTY
.........+Elizabeth E.
........ 4 M. N. Brown TOTTY
........ 4 Mable L. TOTTY
........ 4 Mary F. TOTTY
........ 4 Robert C. TOTTY
........ 4 James Campbell TOTTY
............ +Mary M. ORTON
.....3 Margarette Parrilee TOTTY
.........+Jack T. HUTCHINSON
.....3 Mary Louise TOTTY
.........+David Lunie BRIGHAM
.....3 Leroy Nix TOTTY
see picture below
.........+Sarah Elizabeth TOTTY
see picture below
........ 4 Adaline Narcissa TOTTY
see her picture below
............ +Charles L. TIGNOR
........ 4 James Franklin TOTTY
........ 4 Laura Alice TOTTY
.....3 Samuel M. TOTTY
.........+Rebecca Caroline TOTTY
........ 4 Mary Letter TOTTY
........ 4 Sammie Gordon TOTTY
............ +Willie M.
........ 4 Lizzie Myrtle TOTTY
........ 4 Ralphy Williams TOTTY
........ 4 Eulous Lee TOTTY
........ 4 Evans N. TOTTY
........ 4 Hobert John TOTTY
.....3 Rhoda "Rody" Angeline TOTTY
.........+Zachariah T. COLEMAN
........ 4 Ogden COLEMAN
............ +Lou ANNIE
........ 4 A. Aden COLEMAN
........ 4 [5] Harrel S. COLEMAN
............ +Minna A. HINDREX
........ *2nd Wife of [5] Harrel S. COLEMAN:
............ +Mattie G. ANDERSON
........ 4 Erastus A. COLEMAN
............ +Martha E. CUMMINS
..... 3 Millard Frankling TOTTY
......... +Sarah Emily MADDOX
........ 4 Herman C. TOTTY
........ 4 Clarence Freddy TOTTY
............ +Laura HARRINGTON
........ 4 Ida Lee TOTTY
............ +Robert Fulton MARTIN
........ 4 Sue Annie TOTTY
............ +Thomas Melvin LAWSON
........ 4 Frankling Davis TOTTY
........ 4 John May TOTTY
............ +Mary E. SHARBER
........ 4 Icey Earnestine TOTTY
............ +James P. BAIRD
........ 4 Elizabeth TOTTY
............ +William McCree BOND
........ 4 Fannie Joe TOTTY
............ +Charlie TIDWELL
........ 4 McWeaver TOTTY
............ +Harriet Hattie ANDERSON
........ 4 Dennis Hobson TOTTY
........ 4 Johnson TOTTY
............ +Mary Agnes FRIZZELL
........ 4 Joseph TOTTY
........ 4 Ever TOTTY
........ 4 Everett L. TOTTY
............ +Thelma Bercia TOTTY
..... 3 Henry Jackson TOTTY
......... +Mary Frances SCOTT
........ 4 Mamie TOTTY
............ +ANDERSON
........ 4 Frances Belle TOTTY
........ 4 Henry Johnson TOTTY
............ +Minnie P. KATSCHKOWSKY
........ 4 John B. TOTTY
............ +Hurley K. BURGESS
........ 4 James Walter TOTTY
............ +Bertha Irene MANN
........ 4 Nell Ruth TOTTY
............ +James M. BUTLER
........ 4 Lawrence P. TOTTY
............ +Ruby E. SCOTT
........ 4 Pauline TOTTY
............ +Hurley K. BURGESS
.2 Demarcus "Marcus" Lafayette TOTTY
.....+Elizabeth Catherine COOK
.....3 Ob TOTTY
.....3 Martha Saline TOTTY
.........+Rufus COLEMAN
........ 4 Herschel Walker COLEMAN
........ 4 Ruffus COLEMAN
........ 4 Ida Brown COLEMAN
............ +Arthur WILLIAMS
........ 4 Lizzy Bee COLEMAN
............ +James Monroe SANDERS
.....3 Sarah J. TOTTY
.....3 James Albert TOTTY
.....3 Edward Bateman TOTTY
.........+Docia DODSON
........ 4 Louis Blaine TOTTY
............ +Lora Lottie JONES
........ 4 Walker Poston TOTTY
............ +Kathryn Margaret CARLS
........ 4 Robert Edward TOTTY
............ +Bessie STEVENSON
.....3 Tempy Katherine TOTTY
.........+John Alfred MADDOX
........ 4 Mattie Jim MADDOX
........ 4 Lafayette Overton MADDOX
............ +Kate COTTON
........ 4 William McEwen MADDOX
............ +Carrie TIDWELL
........ 4 Elizabeth Pearl MADDOX
............ +Elbert A. TOTTY
........ 4 Clayton Bee MADDOX
............ +Lillian O'Era LUCKETT
........ 4 Susie Brannon MADDOX
............ +Unknown ORTON
........ 4 Shermie Dee MADDOX
............ + Unknown SPRAGUE
........ 4 John Louis MADDOX
............ +Mattie Lou ORTON
........ 4 William Boyd MADDOX
............ +Elease FULLER
........ 4 Joseph Albert MADDOX
............ +Willie FIELDER
.....3 Louis H. TOTTY
.....3 Armisted C. Stid TOTTY
.........+Lena V. BURT
........ 4 Child TOTTY
........ 4 Albert L. TOTTY
........ 4 Willie L. TOTTY
........ 4 Dixie Nell TOTTY
........ 4 Callie TOTTY
........ 4 Mattie Doris TOTTY
............ +Ben KEMP
........ 4 Troy TOTTY
........ 4 Andrew TOTTY
........ 4 Russell TOTTY
.....3 Molly H. TOTTY
.........+Josh Elisha DARDEN
........ 4 Lester DARDEN
........ 4 Otty DARDEN
........ 4 Dau DARDEN
........ 4 Child DARDEN
.2 Samuel Moore TOTTY
.....+Ruth J. UNKNOWN
.....3 William A. TOTTY
......... +Margaret Maggie Frances VADEN
........ 4 Charles Harrison TOTTY
........ 4 Emma P. TOTTY
........ 4 Nellie M. TOTTY
........ 4 Earnest M. TOTTY
.....3 Emely Grant TOTTY
*2nd Wife of [5] Harrison TOTTY:
.+Matilda Naomi NORRIS
.2 Martha J. TOTTY
.....+William G. GRINNER
.....3 Albert H. GRINNER
.2 Ephram H. TOTTY
.2 Jonathan Norris TOTTY
.....+Charlotte HARBIN
.....3 John Hill TOTTY
.....3 Willie TOTTY
.....3 Lou A. TOTTY
......... +Unk COTTON
......... +Unk COTTON
........ 4 Mary R. COTTON
........ 4 Ferrell? N. COTTON
............ +Elizabeth K.
.2 Nancy Emaline TOTTY
.....+John Walter WOODS
.....3 John Walter WOODS
.....3 Lollie C. WOODS
.....3 Matilda WOODS
.2 Elizabeth C. TOTTY
.2 Jenny Lind TOTTY
.....+Timothy Earnhart WILLIAMS
.....3 Samuel Oscar WILLIAMS
.........+Lola Clearinda GREER
.....3 Berry Arthur WILLIAMS
.........+Ada Dorcas ANDERSON
.....3 [6] George Edgar WILLIAMS
.........+Lula OLIVER
.....*2nd Wife of [6] George Edgar WILLIAMS:
.........+Susan Ann HARRINGTON
.....3 William Hill WILLIAMS
.........+Annie L. COCHRAN
........ 4 William Hill WILLIAMS
.....3 Correll Douglas WILLIAMS
.....3 Lillie Dale WILLIAMS
.....3 Jennie Florence WILLIAMS
.........+Thomas Clarence RICHIE
........ 4 Thomas Clarence RICHIE
............ +Wynell JENNINGS
........ 4 Ruben William RICHIE
............ +Ruby Jewell WHITE
........ 4 Howard Wade RICHIE
............ +Gearldeene TALLANT
........ 4 Timothy Clarence RICHIE
............ +Hazilee PIPPIN
.....3 Mary Pearl WILLIAMS
.........+William Norris ANDERSON
........ 4 Joe William ANDERSON
.2 Mary Jane Coleman TOTTY
..... +Benjamin Franklin ARNOLD
.....3 Lawrence E. ARNOLD
.....3 Edward Dewey ARNOLD
.....3 Ephram Norris ARNOLD
.........+Mattie Mae WILLIAMS
.....3 Hattie Mai ARNOLD
.........+Unknown ANDERSON
.....3 Mattie A. ARNOLD
........ +Ota L. WILLIAMS
........ 4 Mark Patterson WILLIAMS
........ 4 Louise J. WILLIAMS
........ 4 Hugh Arnold WILLIAMS
........ 4 [8] Mary Gertrude WILLIAMS
............ +True C. MYATT
........ *2nd Husband of [8] Mary Gertrude
............ +Johnson TOTTY
.....3 Charles B. ARNOLD
.2 [7] Littleberry Barry TOTTY
.....+Mary W. Unknown MAYS
.....3 Mollie MAYS
.....3 W. H. TOTTY
. *2nd Wife of [7] Littleberry Barry TOTTY:
.....+J. Adella Didemus LANE
.....3 Ora TOTTY
.....3 Annie TOTTY
.....3 Lillie M. TOTTY
.....3 Little F. TOTTY
.2 Lavisa
see picture below
.....+John Henry HINES
.....3 Claude Elton HINES
.........+Maude M. TIDWELL
.....3 Howard Eldridge HINES
.........+Betty Jane FAULKENBERRY
........ 4 Fred L. HINES
.....3 George Allen HINES
.........+Willie NALLS
.....3 Elva Grant HINES
.........+James DEMOSS
........ 4 Leona DEMOSS
.....3 Carrie M. HINES
.........+Jay G. NICKS
.....3 Norris HINES
.....3 Albert G. HINES
.........+Lou A.
.....3 Richard H. HINES
.........+Nellie Mable WHEELER
.....3 Little Berry HINES
.2 Zollie Coffer R. TOTTY
.....+Mary Elizabeth BATES
.....3 Myrtle TOTTY
.........+Henry Columbus ADAMS
.....3 Eunice TOTTY
.....3 William TOTTY
See Also:
County, Virginia
County, Virginia
County, North Carolina
County, Tennessee
County, Texas
County, Texas
& Markers
Adaline Narsissa Totty Tignor: 1872-1952; daughter of LeRoy Nix and Sarah Elizabeth Totty Totty, g/d of Johnson and Susan Spradling Totty. m: Charles Tigor.
Benjamin B. Totty. b: 01-19-1884 d:-----; He was born to William H. and Sarah S. (Totty) TOTTYs/o Asa and Polly TOTTY. Sarah S. TOTTY was the d/o Daniel C. and Ruthy TOTTY; s/o Harrison and Martha "Patsy" (Johnson) TOTTY of Hickman Co., Tennessee.
Edward Booge Totty, Sr. - July 4, 1881 - Sept. 1, 1962. He was born to William H. and Sarah S. (Totty) TOTTYs/o Asa and Polly TOTTY. Sarah S. TOTTY was the d/o Daniel C. and Ruthy TOTTY; s/o Harrison and Martha "Patsy" (Johnson) TOTTY of Hickman Co., Tennessee.
Fern Berniece Totty Wise - Mar. 18, 1912/Jan.1, 2001. She was born to Edward B. and Elizabeth (Holmes) TOTTY; s/o William H. and Sarah S. (Totty) TOTTY; s/o Asa and Polly TOTTY. Sarah S. TOTTY was the d/o Daniel C. and Ruthy TOTTY; s/o Harrison and Martha "Patsy" (Johnson) TOTTY of Hickman Co., Tennessee.
Leroy Nix Totty 1851-1913, son of Johnson H. Totty and Susan Spradling Totty and his wife, Sarah Elizabeth Totty Totty1853-1944 dau of Williford Davis Totty and Narcissa Adaline Reed Totty.
Lewis Perkins and Mary Margaret (Herzog) Totty. R to L 1] This is their wedding picture, they were married the 9th day of January in 1902, in the Immacutale Conception Church in New Madrid, MO. S/o William H. and Sarah S. (Totty) Totty. 2] Date unknown for sure but sometime before 1956 when Mary Margaret Totty died.
Sarah S. (Totty)Totty
1844-1930 - wife of William H. Totty, previously of Hickman, and
Lewis Co.'s TN where they were married on Feb. 27, 1861. Sandra states
that the photographer seemed to think that this was ink pen drawing.
Sarah was the d/o Daniel C. and Ruthy Totty;
s/o Martha Patsy (Johnson) and Harrison TOTTY. D/O Mary Ann (Totty) and
Lavisa Totty Hines
family, over 100 years old ca 1897/98 and was taken in Centerville,TN within
a year or two of her death.Lavisa is in the bottom row, right. Her
husband, John Henry Hines,holding their son Richard,is in the bottom row
left. He is my Gr Grandfather.Their son Norris (named after Lavisa's mother
Matilda Norris or her brother Jonathan Norris)is bottom middle and to his
left is their daughter Elver.
Back row, facing L to R: Richard Cummins,
friend of Elton's Samuel Oscar Williams, Lavisa's nephew and son of her
sister Jennie Lind and husband Timothy(Tim) Williams.Sewell Williams,Sam's
cousin,is to his left. Finally,Lavisa and John's oldest son Claude Elton
Hines is to the far right.
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