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transcribed by Birdie Totty McNutt |
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(Digging for our Totty Roots
and finding the leaves
on our Totty genealogy tree)
The Diary(s) of Rhoda Spradling Totty is being
provided here for those who are researching the TOTTY family and their
friends, neighbors and families.
These are exact words as written by my great
great grandmother in her own penmanship the only change(s) made are Capital
or UPPER Case Letters on mentioned surnames or my comments in brackets
[BTM]. The Diary(s) have been in private
ownership by the TOTTY family all these years, and have never been published,
or copied with the exception of excerpts printed in 1957 in the "CENTENNIAL
Forestburg, Texas a History of Forestburg Cattle and Watermelon Center"
[Montague County] .
This is the FIRST time that the Diary(s) have
ever been released with permission and "exclusive rights" in their entirety
to anyone. I am very honored to be the one given this
priviledge. I believe these diaries should be Shared by our
families to help document and learn about our ancestory and how they lived
and died in the 1800's. I hope to do that by publishing the diaries.
They span 22 years of Rhoda SPRADLING TOTTY's life from May 9, 1876 to
her death in April 1899. Births, deaths, burials, marriages
and the weather are documented throughout the books on many families and
neighbors in Montague County, Texas. Rhoda has a unique way of writing
her thought's down for us to see what happened on a day to day basis.
NOTE: This copyright©
data CAN NOT be reproduced in ANY format for profit or other presentation
"without" the express written permission of the the owner and transcriber
of these diaries.
Transcribed from Original Diary by Birdie
(Totty) McNutt ©1999
NOTE: also
(Digging for our Totty Roots and finding the leaves on our Totty genealogy tree)
of Rhoda Spradling Totty |
![]() SEPTEMBER 1880 Page 43 continued
3 Day Frank brought Mollie home
I hope they will live happy to gether.. Hot day big crowd
glad to See them Cooked dinner all had plenty
one seemed to enjoy themselves
Page 44
5 Day Sunday
Pea gone to Pella Frank and Mollie to Bourlands..
Mr Totty and I all alone Frank May come Said his pa is very Sick we go
to See him find him very Sick they Send for Dr Stolsworth
I think now he will die.. meet Mrs Judge Taylor had not
seen her in near 4 years Lillie and Ida got in
after dark had.. had quite a time wagon
turned over ….. of the bridge with them was nobody Serious hurt
6 Day Mr Patton and whatyoucallem
Stoping they are from Ark neighbors
to John I am So glad to hear them talk about John John
Harville and Bart called Said Anna is not well I am uneasy
about her Charley Said Mary and baby are Sick
I went to Mixons after my irons getting the Captains clothes
ready for him to Start in the morning
7 Day Mr Stemler and Patton
Started to Arkansas Mr Totty out electioneering
Frank and Mollie to the Mill Pea picking
cotton I and Lillie potering round I getting
ready to go See Anna went Staid all night
Anna and Tilda and the babys all well
8 Day Come home Mollie and Lillie
keeping house Pea gone to the Burg for Charly..
met Ben and Louisa going to Mathises.. Cool
9 Day kindled a fire in the fire place
this morning Frank and Mollie gone to Bourland
Pea to Charlys I and Lillie alone to night The
Dutchman was here to day to See about his lines.. I am lonely
to night think I had almost as well be a widow Sure enough
Page 45
11 Day got a letter from John..
Captain got home been in clay Jack and Wise he
may go to Arkinsaw no telling he is getting on the pigeon wing
12 Day Sunday all hands got in the
wagon and went to High Point no body there but Chessers
Surly under the Arbor we Stoped laughed awhile
went to Jases eat dinner Come home
15 Day rain rain after
it quit raining we went to the orchard to get peaches and we got them
I got So wet I could hardly get to the House Bart Come
after me to got to Harvilles I went Dave no better Sent for
Dr he Come
16 Day I dressed Annas black head
boy and Come home Louisa and Bettie here... Mr Totty
and counted up our grandchildren there is 8 boys and 8 girls which makes
16 all told
17 Day rain again this morning
I am awful uneasy about Anna for fear She will get damp
got in the wagon went to Jases got my bed stead
18 Day went to the debate
Griffith opened the debate Doyel followed it was carried on
in a way gentlemanly and Christian manner Griffith thought he ought
to have the Mule but Doyl kept it I got very tired
I wanted them to quit So I could go See Anna but they did not
quit worth a cent got a letter from John
Page 46
20 Day Captain Started
to St Joe Frank went with him to the Burg
rained this morning before day Frank and Mollie
gone to Mr Springers to night
21 Day Speaking at the Burg
(they Speak while I think I may Speak yet) heard Mr Totty
is Still there having a gay time every dog has
his day big rain this morning
22 Day been washing all day
So tired cant rest but when I set down my mind goes back over my whole
life and a miserable life it has been toil trouble
and hard labor has been my reward in this world (Frank and Mollie
gone to Bourlands) I feel a rebellious Sprit in
me this evening think I desire something better for my Self
denying and faithful life.. but if it is not for me I recon I ought
to try to be content
23 Day washed again
think I have washed as much as any nigger put on a clean
dress and went to Mixons I and Pea reading the Bible to night
I and he miss the references.. have not got the blues as bad
to night as last night Duck and Lillie got a lamp out
in the yard having a good time Mollie not well
24 Day I and Pea go to the Burg buy some
goods come to Harvilles find them all geting
along very well come home try on my new Shoes Show
Mollie and Lillie how I will kick Hixon if he ever makes me any more Shoes
bring Ada with us
Page 47
26 Day Sunday Cold
wind from north and rain we go to meeting
House full brother Savage preached on the conversion of Cornelius
come home with Ben and Louisa cold
got there the boys made a fire eat dinner
come home Willie Taylor here after the wagon
27 Day Still Cold
all go to Mr Springers Mrs Springer not at home
I go to Hunts meet George Palmer Dollie
comes home with me find Tilda here glad to
See her and Dave.. (grass hoppers parsing over to day)
28 Day Bart come
him Pea and Tilda gone to Harvilles Charley here
Sick I am Sorry for Charley I
cut out my dress don’t care much whether I get it done
or not Mollie and Lillie gone to Mixons..
finished reading my Bible to night that is I have got through
it again.. I do thank God to night that I have lived
to get through it again and also for the information I have
received from reading I don’t expect to quit reading by any
means but non I will read more as I please and look over what
I have read
29 Day Frank and Mixon Hauling corn
Mollie and Lillie washing.. See old Hixon at Mixon’s
his eyes look like two gimlets Seemed to try to look through me
broke my machine needle cant Sew any more to night
30 Day got on ball went
to Bob Beans Spent good part of the day with Manda
gave Alan a raking for not comeing to See us.. Sol Ode…. Come
after me to go to Bourlands I went dressed a girl (coria)
for Bally Staid all night
NOTE: This
copyright© data CAN NOT be reproduced in ANY format for profit or
other presentation "without" the express written permission of the the
owner and transcriber of these diaries.
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Information and Restrictions: Our Totty
Roots Research Reports have been provided for the free use of those engaged
in NON-Commercial genealogical research by our Totty Roots Research Group.
and ALL commercial use is strictly prohibited. Researchers
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Sincerely, The TOTTY Roots Research Group
email additions, corrections or questions to: totty-owner@totty-families.org
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to Totty Roots Master Index
Totty Roots Images created by Birdie (Totty) McNutt©
Totty Roots Research Group*, ALL Rights Reserved.