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transcribed by Birdie Totty McNutt |
(Digging for our Totty Roots and finding the leaves on our Totty genealogy tree)
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The Diary(s) of Rhoda Spradling Totty is being
provided here for those who are researching the TOTTY family and their
friends, neighbors and families.
These are exact words as written by my great
great grandmother in her own penmanship the only change(s) made are Capital
or UPPER Case Letters on mentioned surnames or my comments in brackets
[BTM]. The Diary(s) have been in private
ownership by the TOTTY family all these years, and have never been published,
or copied with the exception of excerpts printed in 1957 in the "CENTENNIAL
Forestburg, Texas a History of Forestburg Cattle and Watermelon Center"
[Montague County] .
This is the FIRST time that the Diary(s) have
ever been released with permission and "exclusive rights" in their entirety
to anyone. I am very honored to be the one given this
priviledge. I believe these diaries should be Shared by our
families to help document and learn about our ancestory and how they lived
and died in the 1800's. I hope to do that by publishing the diaries.
They span 22 years of Rhoda SPRADLING TOTTY's life from May 9, 1876 to
her death in April 1899. Births, deaths, burials, marriages
and the weather are documented throughout the books on many families and
neighbors in Montague County, Texas. Rhoda has a unique way of writing
her thought's down for us to see what happened on a day to day basis.
NOTE: This copyright© data CAN NOT be
reproduced in ANY format for profit or other presentation "without" the
express written permission of the the owner and transcriber of these diaries.
Transcribed from Original Diary by Birdie
(Totty) McNutt ©1999 to present
NOTE: also
of Rhoda Spradling Totty |
![]() August 1881
Page 94
2 Day Louisa and Della Wooster Spent
the day we all talked a good deal I did not feel much like
it though
3 Day I and Tillie wash
Lizzy Hester come to get Lillie to make her a dress I go to
Hunts See Dollie Spend the evening enjoy my Self very well
4 Day Lillie Sewing for Lizzy
Mag and Sue at the well Ida come Staying all night
with Lillie (got the Seed wheat home)
5 Day a little shower of rain
Louisa washing here I have just read a letter from William Totty
Tottys Bend Tennessee carries my mind back to when he was a little
boy but he is not a boy now he will soon be 27 years old
I think I will write him a letter if I ever have time for cooking and washing
6 Day Bart and Tilda Frank and
Mollie come and Pea all gone to meeting to night but Tilda
I got Home from Ben Bomers this morning dress a girl for Lou
( )
7 Day Sunday All get in the wagon
go to meeting at the Springs hear the Baptist hold forth and
hold forth it was I didnt learn any thing only
he misquoted Paul. He said Paul Said knowing the terror
of the Lord we persuade men Harville and Mary come brought
Sid and Lewis I was glad to See the children they
look well and hearty Frank and Mollie come home with us
staid all night
8 Day Sam Baird and Hunt here talking
Some hot and dry no water for cattle only
in the well has to be drawed out for them
Page 95
10 Day I go with Dutch and Mrs Marshall
to the Berg in their wagon Lillie washing her first washing
by her self clothes nice and white.
11 Day Daniel and Rainy Will and
Alice Frank and Mollie all Spent the day.. So hot cant
enjoy anything Sick to night been So awful hot
and I have had So much cooking to do for the last 2 weeks
I think I am bound to have a Spell of Sickness
12 Day hot as ever this morning
Still feel badly Lillie ironing geting
ready to go to Audubon
14 Day Sunday big crowd at the Arbor had an other Sermon 3 aditions dinner on the ground! So hot and dusty cant enjoy any thing Come home Mr Johnson and Williams here Staying all night 15 Day got up before day light to fix
breakfast for those gentlemen they left Pea gone to mill
I an Lillie both mount old ball go to Franks look
down in the well Jase is in there I can hear him but
cant See him there is So much damp in the well
we go to See Bettie her and the children all are looking well
Come home draw water for the Stock by this time it is dark.
We go to bed out in the yard Sleep soundly
fear no harm
16 Day hot hot and hottest
I think the ground is as hot to day as I ever felt it feels like embers
Pea gone he said to Franks I gave him a good talk about carrying
that old pistol I hope he will think of it
Lillie gone to Barts to See how Dave is heard he is Sick
Mrs Taylor Spent the evening I all alone now
got hurry up and go to drawing water hear old yellows bell..
got done watering and and feeling too tired to Cook Supper
Lillie and I go to bed.. hear the wagon coming those gentlemen got
in in the night
Page 96
18 Day all studying musick
I can begin II strike mary to the Saviours tomb..
Pea and Lilllie gone to Audibon to night
20 Day Still hot and dry
I go to See Louisa tell her I come to See about the Steer
Pea come Said he had watered him at Hesters got
a letter from John he writes he is doing well I am glad
to hear it
21 Day Sunday lying round reading
the old path guide Lillie gone to the Springs to meeting
her and Ida come back Frank and Mollie eat Supper I commenced
to write a letter to John
22 Day Mr Dennis taken dinner
Louisa Started home with her children and clothes it rained a little
Shower I guess She got wet She had got about to
the Creek
23 Day I and Lillie wash and putter
round waiting for night to come then it will be cooler
Page 99
27 Day Louisas birth day 27 to
day we all get in the wagon Start to meeting go by Franks hear
the good news water in his well I go look in See water
So glad for the boy has worked hard So long we go on
to meeting brother Castleman preaches like he has a big
congregation when there is only a very few come
back home get a good drink at the well Sam
Baird Staying all night we all Set
out in the yard and talk till nearly 6
28 Day Sunday at the arbor set dinner
it begins to rain cant enjoy our dinner run in
the House push round awhile all talking to young folks Speaking
Some of the old ones looking daggers at them.. all come
out have another sermon. Come home been a Storm
peach tree blown down everything wet beds all wet in the house
as well as out doors
29 Day go back to the arbor
brother (Jake) Castleman preaches on the trumpet giving an uncertain
Sound I eat dinner with sister Whitly and Walker at the arbor
we come home they go to Pella to baptize Mrs Walker Pea and
Lillie go to the baptizing
30 Day Meeting sill going on
nigger Lathams wife joined Pea come home in the night last
night Lillie this morning all commensed cotton
picking I would to out and help them but am not well
think I will go in the morning if I am well
NOTE: This copyright© data CAN NOT be
reproduced in ANY format for profit or other presentation "without" the
express written permission of the the owner and transcriber of these diaries.
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Information and Restrictions: Our Totty
Roots Research Reports have been provided for the free use of those engaged
in NON-Commercial genealogical research by our Totty Roots Research Group.
and ALL commercial use is strictly prohibited. Researchers
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Sincerely, The TOTTY Roots Research Group
email additions, corrections or questions to: totty-owner@totty-families.org
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to Totty Roots Master Index
Totty Roots Images created by Birdie (Totty) McNutt©
Totty Roots Research Group*, ALL Rights Reserved.