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transcribed by Birdie Totty McNutt |
(Digging for our Totty Roots and finding the leaves on our Totty genealogy tree)
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The Diary(s) of Rhoda Spradling Totty is being
provided here for those who are researching the TOTTY family and their
friends, neighbors and families.
These are exact words as written by my great
great grandmother in her own penmanship the only change(s) made are Capital
or UPPER Case Letters on mentioned surnames or my comments in brackets
[BTM]. The Diary(s) have been in private
ownership by the TOTTY family all these years, and have never been published,
or copied with the exception of excerpts printed in 1957 in the "CENTENNIAL
Forestburg, Texas a History of Forestburg Cattle and Watermelon Center"
[Montague County] .
This is the FIRST time that the Diary(s) have
ever been released with permission and "exclusive rights" in their entirety
to anyone. I am very honored to be the one given this
priviledge. I believe these diaries should be Shared by our
families to help document and learn about our ancestory and how they lived
and died in the 1800's. I hope to do that by publishing the diaries.
They span 22 years of Rhoda SPRADLING TOTTY's life from May 9, 1876 to
her death in April 1899. Births, deaths, burials, marriages
and the weather are documented throughout the books on many families and
neighbors in Montague County, Texas. Rhoda has a unique way of writing
her thought's down for us to see what happened on a day to day basis.
NOTE: This copyright© data CAN NOT be
reproduced in ANY format for profit or other presentation "without" the
express written permission of the the owner and transcriber of these diaries.
Transcribed from Original Diary by Birdie
(Totty) McNutt ©1999-2002
NOTE: also
of Rhoda Spradling Totty |
![]() April 1881 Page 76
2 Day Captain Said the ice is the
eighth of an inch thick this morning Hines
come to say he had the money I droped corn a while
now Lillie is droping will get done planting by dinner..
got done Lillie and Duck gone to Mrs Marshals
I go to Mr Springers Come back think I have more
to do than I can get done by night better Stay here all the
time if I keep up milked and churned and cooked
Supper Captain got back from Hyneses
3 Day Sunday Captain birth
day 54 to day Cooked Some pies and a hen
Frank and Mollie come eat dinner with us I was glad they come
4 Day Sunday April has
come yes the fouth day
5 Day wind from South this morning
I not well feel nervous cant hardly write Now the South
winds high and dry yet it need not vex us Don’t we know its
always So Since we have lived in Texas
Page 77
7 Day rained last night
every thing looks better wind from north to night
cold again.. fixing to go to the Burg in the morning
8 Day did not go
Captain sick him and Pea gone to work
Charley come took dinner wanted cotton seed..
Lillie makeing her red dress me and Lillie glad to See the
wind mill
9 Day Frank and Mollie Come
to go to Bourlands Lillie gone with them Pea gone
to the Burg Captain and I alone
10 Day Sunday
Pea gone to Montague Springs Dutchman here to See about
his Land I wanting to go to Bens dont
know whether Captain will go or not.. will find out when
Dutchman leaves (he left) Captain wouldnt go too lazy
I told him drove up white face with a calf
(Captain lost Dom)
11 Day Lillie Sewing for Ida
Pulyum taken dinner I finished reading my Bible through again
this is the 4th time I have read it through in the last 4 years..
it Seems plainer to me every time I read it.. I dearly love
the Bible and the glorious promices it contains.. (that there is
a rest for the weary I have no doubt..) and I thank God this evening that
I have lived to get though it the Bible again
12 Day Cold Captain
went to Shop come back him and I go to Bens
Come back through the field over the clods.. wind roaring from
13 Day Cold as ever Captain
gone to the Shop again Lillie and I go to Mr Taylors this evening
I come back cover up the Irish potatoes
14 Day Ice and frost this
morning wind from South Pea gone to Frank
Mag and Sue taken dinner I reading the Carrier till my eyes
Page 78
16 Day Lillies birth day
Bettie come brought her girl for the first time So glad to
See her and it looking so well.. but cant keep from thinking
of Anna who never got to come to pas
17 Day Sunday Frank
took the cows home high wind from South Captain
and I taken a big walk hunting for jake
18 Day Mrs Farr called
trying to get a School very warm to day not like it was
a week ago
19 Day geting ready to go to Barts
Set off lots of Chickens this morning.. got in the waggon went by
Franks did not enjoy the ride worth a cent..
glad to get there though found Tilda almost blind with new
ralgia in her eyes Sorry for her and Bart Staid
till after dinner Come back through Denton bottom forded the
creek watched the dogs swim wished I could
ford a river haws in full bloom the air Scented
with the flowers.. got home Yarborough had been here..
Pea and his pap mounted and went to where they was surveying Yarborough
come back with them Staid all night
20 Day Started to
run the lines again Lillie and I cooked dinner
baked a hen looked for them.. they did not come..
got back to night Yarborough Staying all night again.. Frank
got the waggon
21 Day rained a big rain last
night and this morning Bob Bean and Hodges come
all running lines again finished for this time
22 Day Captain Sowed his millet
we set out cabage plants
23 Day got in the waggons went to
the Burg Capt got me a fine dress come back went to High
24 Day Sunday all
go to meeting Chad holds for brother Savage taken
up Cornlious preached the best Sermon I think I ever
heard him.. got home dogs had killed pigs
Pages 89 & 80 missing Page 81
26 Day Cap n Sowing milet
Pea fixing Cotton Land Della and old Sister Wooster come
by going to Taylors Lillie Sewing
fixing to go to School.. every thing geting green and growing
I think as fast as I ever saw
27 Day finished the millet
Pea went after cotton Seed.. Lillie making the machine rattle
I sick dont know what is the matter Settles Staying
all night
28 Day Cap n and Pea planting
Cotton I feeling better wash a big washing
Lillie finished her dress (warm to night almost like summer)
29 Day Still warm
Lillie gone to Barts I start to Taylors meet
Ida Marshall come back Stitch Some for her on her dress
I love Ida She is Such a modest little girl.. Captain
had a chill got fever.. Lillie come back said Tilda is coming
to morrow glad to hear that
30 Day Captain got up eat breakfast
gone to bed I hope he will get better when he sleeps a good
sleep Jase come by had been to mill
took the harrow and his Sack of meal on Mink and poled out for home
NOTE: This copyright© data CAN NOT be
reproduced in ANY format for profit or other presentation "without" the
express written permission of the the owner and transcriber of these diaries.
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Information and Restrictions: Our Totty
Roots Research Reports have been provided for the free use of those engaged
in NON-Commercial genealogical research by our Totty Roots Research Group.
and ALL commercial use is strictly prohibited. Researchers
may copy and distribute this work freely, but with the proviso that it
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Sincerely, The TOTTY Roots Research Group
email additions, corrections or questions to: totty-owner@totty-families.org
This page was last updated
to Totty Roots Master Index
Totty Roots Images created by Birdie (Totty) McNutt©
Totty Roots Research Group*, ALL Rights Reserved.