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transcribed by Birdie Totty McNutt |
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The Diary(s) of Rhoda Spradling Totty is being
provided here for those who are researching the TOTTY family and their
friends, neighbors and families.
These are exact words as written by my great
great grandmother in her own penmanship the only change(s) made are Capital
or UPPER Case Letters on mentioned surnames or my comments in brackets
[BTM]. The Diary(s) have been in private
ownership by the TOTTY family all these years, and have never been published,
or copied with the exception of excerpts printed in 1957 in the "CENTENNIAL
Forestburg, Texas a History of Forestburg Cattle and Watermelon Center"
[Montague County] .
This is the FIRST time that the Diary(s) have
ever been released with permission and "exclusive rights" in their entirety
to anyone. I am very honored to be the one given this
priviledge. I believe these diaries should be Shared by our
families to help document and learn about our ancestory and how they lived
and died in the 1800's. I hope to do that by publishing the diaries.
They span 22 years of Rhoda SPRADLING TOTTY's life from May 9, 1876 to
her death in April 1899. Births, deaths, burials, marriages
and the weather are documented throughout the books on many families and
neighbors in Montague County, Texas. Rhoda has a unique way of writing
her thought's down for us to see what happened on a day to day basis.
NOTE: This copyright©
data CAN NOT be reproduced in ANY format for profit or other presentation
"without" the express written permission of the the owner and transcriber
of these diaries.
Transcribed from Original Diary by Birdie
(Totty) McNutt ©1999 to present.
NOTE: also
of Rhoda Spradling Totty |
![]() APRIL 1877 April the first. Sunday
all fools day Norther blowing
Sam SPENCER and Web took dinner I set
at home all day looked for BOURLAND
Lillie went to Bens, John T. HOLOWAY died today.
2nd Day John
and Bart planting corn I went to see Mrs BOURLAND
Comfort was there and Mrs YOUNG excitment
still high about HARRYS death.
3rd Day Mr
TOTTYs birthday 50 years old to day
John been to YANDELS rounding the old folks up
I scoured my room to day feel very
well dont know how to be thankful enough
for my health went to bed BOURLAND come after
me to go see Bally I went Staid
all night
5 Day John Bart
and Tilda Jase and Bettie Alice and Hessie
here for dinner Mr TOTTY gone
to measure GLASSES land.
6 Day
went to the Store got a load of goods
Frank gone to the party Pea and Wib
got back
April the 8th Bettie
very bad Frank went after COX
did not get him Mr and Mrs YANDEL
Mrs YOUNG and Dolly and Mollie and Mag SPRINGER the BALLOW
gals and all the rest here to day
9th Day
Bettie Still very Sick COX come to day
John went to CASTLEMANS I hope he will get fixed after
a while Louisa went home
COX Staid all night
10th Bettie
a little better Ben HODGE come this morning
Hesie here doing for um John went after
his licence Tilda Staid with me to day
Mrs YOUNG and Sallie called this evening Mollie helped me milk
the cows
11th Day Cool and
cloudy rained a little Bettie
very weak and low I am uneasy about her.. a little
lamb come up the old man caught it and put it in the
Smoke House Lillie in estacies almost
12th Day of April 1877
John and Sarah Maried the younge folks nearly walking
on thier heads Dr COX here this evening
rained all night last night raining again
to night
13th Day
John and Sarah come this evening Bart
and Tilda come to night Hessie and
Lillie went to YOUNGS to night Bettie beginning
to Survive a little
14th Day
Washed to day been a month Since HARRY drove
round in his buggy. oh where is he to day lying low by the
side of Laura John and Anna
Bart and Tilda Jase and Bettie all her to night
Bettie resting to night Mrs TINDALL
was here to day.
15th Sunday
beautiful morning Bettie better
John and Anna gone home took Lillie to go to School
Mollie SPRINGER and Lisa CROSS took dinner
Frank went ELIOTS to get quinine Saw new moon to
night lightening in the north
look for a norther
16th Day
Lillies birthday baby not at home, cloudy high wind
from South to night Bettie Still better
could not get Hessie She Said they was all sick
nursed the baby my self gussie sick
COX come to day
17th Day rain
quite warm COX at Ben's
Gussie got putrill sore throat I been sewing
and rocking Joey B. old man put up a gate at the
cow pen
18 Day Commenced to plant cotton
Daniel come down to help them Mrs LATEN
called.. high wind from west a Storm all day
19 Day wind still blowing
hard Bettie could not go home it was
too cold Ben was here Gussie
no better Frank and Daniel got the cotton
April the 20th
Bettie gone home I am afraid her next move will
be to her grave, DORCEY and BEAN here to day
Frank gone to get his hogs up John and Sarah
gone to See their kin
21 Day
Mr TOTTY went to Forestburg Frank gone
to Clear Creek I went to Bens to see the children
Pea gone up the Creek and Lillie gone to School
old man and me all alone to night
22nd Day Rode out went
up to Bens WOD threw Mr TOTTY off
Louisa nearly crazy about the children went on to Johns
Saw his Arkansas kin good looking folks I
golly George here to night
23rd Day
Rain all the evening all the field hands
come in out of the rain house full of men and boys
Shelled corn in the house could hardly turn around.
24th Day rained
all night last night raining again to night
Joe MARSHALL tak dinner crowd here gain this evening
April the 25th Rain again
to day wind from north this evening
Mr SPRINGER and Mr TOTTY thinks now it wil quit raining
Allen and Pea went to the office I
have been sick all day
27th Day done a
big washing feel as big as goliah
clothes all hung out to dry Mr TOTTY gone
to the store Frank gone to hunt his
mule Pea and Lillie helped me wash
wind high from north cleard off for good now
cold to night
28th Day Still cold
Mr TOTTY went to Jases Frank and pea
went to the Burg to mill
29th Day Cold
a fresh norther tacked on Singing
at Mr SPRINGERS I went to BOURLANDs Saw Dolly
Bart was here Said Bettie and Tilda was well
NOTE: This copyright© data CAN NOT be
reproduced in ANY format for profit or other presentation "without" the
express written permission of the the owner and transcriber of these diaries.
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Information and Restrictions: Our Totty
Roots Research Reports have been provided for the free use of those engaged
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Sincerely, The TOTTY Roots Research Group
email additions, corrections or questions to: totty-owner@totty-families.org
This page was last updated
to Totty Roots Master Index
Totty Roots Images created by Birdie (Totty) McNutt©
Totty Roots Research Group*, ALL Rights Reserved.